Thursday, September 29, 2011


Seriously God...can't You give me these thoughts a little earlier in the day? It's 2:45 AM and I'm just now beginning this. Haha...oh well, here goes.

Passion. This is all I can really think of when I start listening to my favorite band, Pillar. Their songs are filled with such Godly passion, it's hard to resist their message...not that one would really want to. Many of their songs also seem to speak to Satan, as if they're trying to challenge him. Questionable, yes. But I love it...aren't we called to defeat the enemy with God at our side? Here are a few examples of what I'm talking about:

Reckless Youth:
We are the fearless ones / We are the loaded guns / With nothing left to lose / We are the reckless youth

Everybody with your fists raised high / Let me hear your battle cry tonight / Stand beside or step aside / We're on the front line

I will settle for no less / Than the best I've got to give / Only the strong survive / When they try to take you down /
Toe to toe, pound for pound / It's time to step up, it's time to throw down

You Are Not The End:
You can try to break me down and then / Like a phoenix I will rise again / I always do / I ALWAYS DO! /
I won't let you win / You are not the end of me (You are not the end!) / I won't let you win / I won't let you bring me to my knees

Seriously...this stuff gives me chills. These guys are passionate about the war that's still going on between Heaven and Hell, and is occurring here on earth. Go ahead and disagree with me if you'd like, but this war is very real. If you don't believe me or are tempted to undermine this, remember it was James that said, "You believe there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that and shudder." And I don't think Jesus just handed out mental pills to all the "demon-possessed" people he, Jesus screamed at demons to leave a person's body. Demons are very real...the Bible says so. The minute we undermine this fact is the minute we lose this war.

My day today was odd, to say the least. It all started at home when our power went out due to a big storm. Not a big deal...I was leaving shortly anyway. My health insurance is expiring in a few days and I have to renew it. After calling Highmark a few times I got no answer, so I went to Highmark to talk to them directly. The shop was closed and won't reopen until tomorrow. Fail. From there I went to a job fair and stayed there for a grand total of 45 seconds after I found out I had to go through an hour and a half long process just to talk to the hiring manager. Again, fail. Later in the evening, I was planning to stay the night in Maryland with Zac, but he got rather ill and we had to postpone our plans. Wow. I just kept taking hit after hit and it seemed like NOTHING was going right! On paper, it really looks like I had a crappy day. But honestly, it was far from it. In fact, I just kept laughing about how my day went.

Well passion. Crappy day. Spiritual war. How does this all tie together? See, I'm sure that I could have easily been torn down today had I given in to Satan's will. News flash...Satan hates God. The whole reason we have crappy days is because Satan wants to see us fall away from God. Well then, you ask, since God's so all-powerful and loving, why doesn't He just defeat Satan once and for all so Satan won't pull us away? Think about the scenario if God did that...would we honestly be in full return and service to God? Exodus 34:14, "Do not worship any other god, for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God." Yeah, God's loving. But He's jealous too. He loves us so much that He wants our full attention, not just a simple "hey thanks for beating Satan. Cya next time." I think that God allows crappy days to happen so that we're faced with a choice, where we either give in to it or we submit our full passion and attention to God out of our own free will. I'm thankful that in this case, I kept my eyes on God the entire time and it turned out to somehow be a pretty good day.

On the way home from Messiah tonight I turned on these Pillar songs to keep me awake, but the words spoke to me and my passion. For a long time, I've struggled with the concept of passion and actually considered it a vice of mine. I tended to get passionate over something, but then wouldn't be willing to put work into it to make it come to fruition, and the passion would fizzle. So for awhile I tried to drop my passion. But one of my awesome brothers in Christ wrote a note to me, which I'll always save. One of the lines reads, "I remember in study once you told me that your passions have a tendency to burn out leaving you stuck. But I have seen your passion for the Lord drive you to great things." I was honored and flattered for that, and of course it got me thinking. This war that's going on...the Christian life, Heaven and Hell, God and Satan...we're soldiers in this thing. We as Christians made a declaration that we're going to live our lives for God, but that involves actually beating Satan in our lives. And that's not easy to do...certainly not with a mediocre ho-hum attitude. God created us to love Him and glorify Him, and that's not done nonchalantly. This is a passionate battle we're in. We're called to worship passionately and fight passionately.

I feel as though a big problem is that we think too much. Seriously. We base a lot of our lives on logic and knowledge, in order that we can maintain a stable life for ourselves. I don't really see anything wrong with that. In fact, I've always argued that God is a logical God...heck, He created logic. But I think about it more now, and I thank my brother Bill for this...but when in the Bible does God really use logic? Consider Gideon's army of 300 in Judges 7. I'm sure most of us already know, but they won that battle. Remember how many people they beat? Judges 8:10, "Now Zebah and Zalmunna were in Karkor with a force of about fifteen thousand men, all that were left of the armies of the eastern peoples; a hundred and twenty thousand swordsmen had fallen." 120,000. Not exactly logical, but Gideon was passionate and trusted God through it all. Midian fell to an army that was 0.24% of their size. Also, consider Jesus asking Peter to walk out on the water in Matthew 14. All of a sudden we see Jesus just chillin out, walking on water. Yeah, no big deal (lol). And of course Peter, the crazy passion-driven disciple says "hey I wanna come too!!!!!" So Jesus just says to do it. Peter's passion drove him to do something possible only through God. Then his logic kicked in. Matthew 14:30, "But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!”" Basically Peter just said "this doesn't make sense..." and just like that, he sank.

Passion is like this. It's often not logical. What sounds more logical, earning a stable income for a family of 4 and settling down in the suburbs somewhere, or giving up everything to go serve orphans in Africa? Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying doing something like that is for everyone. But where are we going to find God and see Him more effectively? When we're stable, we have no reason for passion. Everything is "as it should be". In a sense, we don't need God. What's the alternative to God? I talked about mediocrity in a past note of mine, and I described it as "fully embracing Satan's will for your life." That means that every second that we're not pursuing God with our full passion and reckless abandon, we're not fulling our mission. We're not fighting the good fight of faith. Quite an arduous task...scary, even. And this is why I was scared of my own passion for so long...I was tired of failing. I was tired of not fulfilling my mission and screwing up so often. But God knows we're not perfect...he doesn't expect us to win this battle all by ourselves. So what happens when we fall? WE GET BACK UP. We fight again. The best soldiers always get knocked down...the truly heroic get up and continue to fight. And this is what I want to be. I want to pursue God with a fiery passion that won't ever be put out. Satan knocked me back a little bit today. The only thing that happened was that I got up stronger. I got up and I'm ready to keep fighting. And let me tell feels awesome. I certainly hope there are others with me on this. The pursuit of God isn't a logical's strictly passionate. As scary as it might be, embrace passion and see what it can do. Don't be afraid of God's holy fire; He's right there to make us strong and He's promised us a crown when we're all done. Join me brothers and sisters...let's show the world what true passion for God is all about :)

It's so ridiculous to think you all just hearin' us
If you believe it let it known y'all be feelin' us
Not just the sound but the Trinity in whom we trust
It's already known who in the end will be victorious
And like KJ it's a 12-round knockout
I'll fight to the end and yo I'll be the one to walk out
Step out holdin' up the crown like a title belt
It's one bout the devil wish he never dealt!!!!!!!!

Just To Get By - Pillar

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