Title of song: Unity
Link to song: nowhere to be found! ARGH!
Lyrics to song: http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/p/pillar/unity.html
Message title: "Love Undivided by Denomination"
First of all, I'm extremely disappointed that I can't find a single link to the actual song. It's a shame too, it's a good song. But please, as you're reading this note, at least read the lyrics. There's a youtube video in the side of the lyrics page with Pillar performing the song live. It's definitely not as good as the version from the recording studio, but at least you would know what it sort of sounds like. But I digress. Now, here I go.
I can't really say that this song has convicted me, but it reflects my EXACT views on what I think is a very important and unaddressed issue: denominations. Like I said, it's unaddressed and many people think of it as a non-issue, as if it's not important to discuss. On the contrary. I think that denominations is one of the biggest downfalls of the Christian population today. And yes, I used proper grammar.
Jesus didn't call us to be divided in the church. The church is His bride, and we need to be united under Him and Him only. The very definition of denomination actually implies division, which is just plain wrong. Let me ask, how can we be effective Christians if we are divided? If we're divided, we're not together in Christ.
I've implied that denominations as a whole is a bad thing. I've probably flat out said it, but denominations isn't a great evil in and of itself. The problem lies in how we handle it in the church. Denominations are so poorly handled, and it's to the point that we actually hate each other based solely on what denomination we affiliate ourselves with! It's so revolting and I just can't stand it. Let me run a little scenario just to clarify what I'm talking about. Just imagine two people meeting for the first time, and we'll assume they're both Christians too. They get to talking to each other and realize that they have a lot in common. But then one asks the other what church they go to. The other responds by saying "Oh I go to such-and-such Baptist Church." And instantly the respond is "Oh.....you're a Baptist." Whether they actually say that out loud or not, I'm sure it's a thought. And right there, the other person instantly loses a little bit of respect just because their new friend happens to be a Baptist. Hopefully you see what I mean here. It's a tragedy, and it's serious. The thing that I hate most about it is the constant hating of other people. We all have different views about various issues, which is what I think is the main reason for the existence of denominations, and I think that it's fine as long as we don't hate each other for having different views. This hating that goes on makes Christians possibly the most hypocritical people of our nation. We follow a God that teaches us about love, and we can't even show love to the people in our own community. How sad. How truly freaking sad.
Why do we have to judge each other based on what denomination we are? Why did I have to enter it in to like, every SAT form that I filled out? It seriously puzzles and distresses me. I once went to a friend's house, and I was asked by their parents what denomination I was. It was my first time meeting their parents so I didn't make a big deal about it, but I just simply replied "I'm nondenominational." And I was seriously looked at like I had two heads. I can't possibly affiliate myself with a denomination...it goes against what I stand for as a Christian. If the concept of denominations was handled properly, then maybe I would. But I just can't. I don't care what denomination someone is...I want to learn to love them regardless. That's what it should be about.
Pillar's song is all about unity with each other. But obviously, it's impossible to be unified if we're divided. The song does what I'm doing right now; it takes a shot at denominations and what it does to our unity in Christ.
Pillar does it again with their driving lyrics. Take a lesson from this. For the Christians reading this, don't fall into division. The world is watching us and waiting for us to slip up. And when we do, people will be sure to let us know in the nastiest and most degrading way. Don't let it happen! We are called to be UNITED IN CHRIST! DON'T JUDGE! DON'T HATE! JUST LOVE!!!! And to those that don't call themselves Christians....I'm sorry. There are still solid Christians out there that still show love in all situations. Please give them a chance, they have a lot to teach and share.
I apologize for possible lack of coherency in this note. My thoughts are somewhat scattered and it's hard to organize them the way I want to, but I think you get my drift. The Christians of the nation absolutely cannot be a divided people. Don't let denominations get in the way of what we truly are: Christians. Be unified. Be loving.
"It's a shame that the body of Christ is so broken" (referring to the church).
-Dr. Roberson, my CCC professor
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