Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Pursuit of Excellence

Excellence - The quality of being excellent; state of possessing good qualities in an eminent degree; exalted merit; superiority in virtue.

Webster’s definition. Take it for what it’s worth. But I think it’s missing something.

This thought popped into my head as I walked back from my Thursday night history seminar, as I looked at my “C” on my history exam that was just returned to me. History’s not my forte. Anyway, as I was walking back, I started thinking about this concept of excellence. What is it? What does it take to achieve it? How do I act to realize it? After thinking about it for little while, I came to the conclusion that excellence denotes an aspect of selflessness.

The parable of the talents is a good one for my point. The master only said “Well done, my good and faithful servants” to the ones that gave the master the original amount entrusted them PLUS interest. The master saw excellence in these servants. And these servants experienced excellence, because they knew that they wouldn’t get anything out of their actions other than a big pat on the back. They did everything not for themselves, but for others, and were therefore excellent.

Recently I’ve been rather swamped with homework and such. I’ve had to make up for a week or two of goofing off in September, and I’m still feeling the effects of that. Luckily I have a pretty tight schedule that I’ve been following, and I’ve actually been doing rather well. I have good grades in all of my classes, yet I don’t feel excellent. Why? Just because I'm successful in this area, at least for now, doesn't denote excellence to me. I still screw up in other areas. 

It's really amazing how events that transpired Thursday night were so closely related to this thought of excellence. I had to sit by myself on Cemetery Hill for an hour and a half to tend to a few matters, and to reflect on myself. I found out the answer that night as to why excellence wasn't a part of me. I became the very person that i vowed I never would become. I let the very aspect of me that I despise to overtake me completely. I became prideful. Selfish. Arrogant. I have to be on myself every day about my pride, and I became lax. Pride overtook my life without me even realizing it, to the point that I was actually in denial about it. I mistreated my friends and was completely self-seeking in most of what I did. 

The absence of excellence was brought on by the consumption of selfish pride. It made sense when I thought more about it. Have you ever performed a service for someone other than yourself? Hopefully yes. Next question....were you expecting to get anything out of it for yourself? That's selfishness. There's nothing excellent about that. People may feel good about themselves because they help out at a homeless shelter once a year, during Thanksgiving or something. They do it so they can say they performed their good deed; so they can feel that warm, fuzzy feeling. Maybe I'm being too harsh, but I really don't think I am. I know there are true philanthropists out there that truly sacrifice their time for others. Kudos. That's excellence. 

I always enjoy holding doors for people. Barely a sacrifice, but I always feel excellent about doing it. But the reason that I experience excellence is because I don't do it for the feeling. I just do it because it's a service to someone else. It's to make THEM feel good. This is the excellence that I need to experience every day. How much greater would this world be if everyone strived for selfless excellence? There would be no need to worry about the self...because there would always be someone else there to be a humble servant. The world needs humble servants, not service with alterior motives.

What does this mean for me now? I have some things that I need to work on with God's help. Speaking of God, He's the reason I need to live this way. He's the ultimate role model; the ultimate servant-leader. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and give his life as a ransom for many. True excellence, found in Mark 10:45. He didn't to it for attention or because it made him feel good. He didn't need to do anything to make him feel good...he was God! That should be a good enough feeling in and of itself. But he served others because it was excellent to do so. This is what I need to employ in my life. I need to get my eyes off of my own selfish desires and look to the desires of others. Think about it....I'm nothing. I'm not trying to blast myself or anything, but I truly am nothing. The Bible says so: "In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus." Romans 6:11. In my own power, I have the power of a corpse. They don't do much besides lie in their respective coffins. I need God so that I can be excellent, because I can't do it on my own. No one can. I need to be excellent in all areas of my life. I need to be selfless to my friends, my family, and everyone around me. I need to be completely God-fearing in my actions. Even in my physical activities and my homework, I need to give it to God so that it can be excellent. 

Bottom line: I need God. We need God. Excellence is impossible on one's own power. People may kid themselves by thinking that they can do it all. They look successful because of their house or car or status in life. One of my favorite verses has the answer for that, and it's the verse that I close this with.

Matthew 16:26 "For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?"

Pursue excellence. Please.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Future of Christian Rock Music

If you know me, then you probably know that Christian rock is my favorite genre of music. I prefer the harder stuff, but not really the screaming of Demon Hunter and Underoath. So my favorite bands consist of Pillar, Thousand Foot Krutch, P.O.D., Kutless, Sanctus Real, and such. But of course, bands don't last forever, and I often wonder what I'll listen to when bands like Pillar stop releasing albums. From what I've listened to recently though, it seems the future is bright. I've been listening to radio (which by the way, everyone needs to get an account on. and you can just type in a band and it'll start playing music from other similar bands. So while the music was playing, a band called Decyfer Down came up. I have to admit, they have a REALLY cool and addicting sound. So I decided to look them up a little more, and they've only released one album in 2006, with a new one coming out in September 2008. I also read their band story, and it's a really good one. One of the guys got involved in drugs and drinking and stuff like that, but now he's singing for God....there's nothing greater than that. 

The band as a whole focuses on singing about truth. Here's a quote from their website: Decipher means "to interpret," and the moniker Decyfer Down fit perfectly, as the band aimed to interpret truth based on God's Word while stripping it down from religious traditions and terms. States Josh, "We're simply out to give a positive message of hope that has truth streaming all the way down the middle of it."

I personally don't like it when they say that they strip it down of religious traditions and terms, but who am I to judge? I just hope that by doing that, they don't accidentally strip away God too. But I know each member of the band has been through a lot in their lives, and now they get to live the dream. They perform with many secular bands like Breaking Benjamin, Theory of a Dead Man, and Crossfade, and they say that each band knows that Decyfer Down is a Christian band. It's truly awesome that these other bands feel the influence of Decyfer Down, and I hope that this band keeps succeeding in all that they do for God's Kingdom. Here's the new face of Christian hard rock: Decyfer Down. Look them up!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Pillar devotional 3: Unity

Title of song: Unity
Link to song: nowhere to be found! ARGH!
Lyrics to song:
Message title: "Love Undivided by Denomination"

First of all, I'm extremely disappointed that I can't find a single link to the actual song. It's a shame too, it's a good song. But please, as you're reading this note, at least read the lyrics. There's a youtube video in the side of the lyrics page with Pillar performing the song live. It's definitely not as good as the version from the recording studio, but at least you would know what it sort of sounds like. But I digress. Now, here I go.

I can't really say that this song has convicted me, but it reflects my EXACT views on what I think is a very important and unaddressed issue: denominations. Like I said, it's unaddressed and many people think of it as a non-issue, as if it's not important to discuss. On the contrary. I think that denominations is one of the biggest downfalls of the Christian population today. And yes, I used proper grammar.

Jesus didn't call us to be divided in the church. The church is His bride, and we need to be united under Him and Him only. The very definition of denomination actually implies division, which is just plain wrong. Let me ask, how can we be effective Christians if we are divided? If we're divided, we're not together in Christ. 

I've implied that denominations as a whole is a bad thing. I've probably flat out said it, but denominations isn't a great evil in and of itself. The problem lies in how we handle it in the church. Denominations are so poorly handled, and it's to the point that we actually hate each other based solely on what denomination we affiliate ourselves with! It's so revolting and I just can't stand it. Let me run a little scenario just to clarify what I'm talking about. Just imagine two people meeting for the first time, and we'll assume they're both Christians too. They get to talking to each other and realize that they have a lot in common. But then one asks the other what church they go to. The other responds by saying "Oh I go to such-and-such Baptist Church." And instantly the respond is "'re a Baptist." Whether they actually say that out loud or not, I'm sure it's a thought. And right there, the other person instantly loses a little bit of respect just because their new friend happens to be a Baptist. Hopefully you see what I mean here. It's a tragedy, and it's serious. The thing that I hate most about it is the constant hating of other people. We all have different views about various issues, which is what I think is the main reason for the existence of denominations, and I think that it's fine as long as we don't hate each other for having different views. This hating that goes on makes Christians possibly the most hypocritical people of our nation. We follow a God that teaches us about love, and we can't even show love to the people in our own community. How sad. How truly freaking sad.

Why do we have to judge each other based on what denomination we are? Why did I have to enter it in to like, every SAT form that I filled out? It seriously puzzles and distresses me. I once went to a friend's house, and I was asked by their parents what denomination I was. It was my first time meeting their parents so I didn't make a big deal about it, but I just simply replied "I'm nondenominational." And I was seriously looked at like I had two heads. I can't possibly affiliate myself with a goes against what I stand for as a Christian. If the concept of denominations was handled properly, then maybe I would. But I just can't. I don't care what denomination someone is...I want to learn to love them regardless. That's what it should be about. 

Pillar's song is all about unity with each other. But obviously, it's impossible to be unified if we're divided. The song does what I'm doing right now; it takes a shot at denominations and what it does to our unity in Christ. 

Pillar does it again with their driving lyrics. Take a lesson from this. For the Christians reading this, don't fall into division. The world is watching us and waiting for us to slip up. And when we do, people will be sure to let us know in the nastiest and most degrading way. Don't let it happen! We are called to be UNITED IN CHRIST! DON'T JUDGE! DON'T HATE! JUST LOVE!!!! And to those that don't call themselves Christians....I'm sorry. There are still solid Christians out there that still show love in all situations. Please give them a chance, they have a lot to teach and share. 

I apologize for possible lack of coherency in this note. My thoughts are somewhat scattered and it's hard to organize them the way I want to, but I think you get my drift. The Christians of the nation absolutely cannot be a divided people. Don't let denominations get in the way of what we truly are: Christians. Be unified. Be loving.

"It's a shame that the body of Christ is so broken" (referring to the church).
-Dr. Roberson, my CCC professor

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Pillar devotional 2: I Fade Away

Title of song: I Fade Away
Link to song:
Lyrics to song:
Message title: "A Joy in a Death"

A morbid title for my next message? I could see that interpretation, but that is not the intention at ALL. Ripping on a dead man is the worst thing I can imagine. Rather, this message is a dedication to my late friend, Jaren Hoover.

Jaren....where do I begin? I only really knew you for that one year I was at HCS in 8th grade. The last time I saw you was in the chocolate cafe on Linglestown Road. We didn't really talk, but just exchanged glances. Our dads both work at the courthouse, and are good friends from what I hear. I hope your dad can look to mine for strength if he needs it. But this one is between you and me.

I admit, 8th grade wasn't a great year for me, hence why I left after that year was done. You were definitely the popular kid of the grade. Even though we were in middle school, you still were friends with A LOT of the high schoolers. I found that rather amazing, and intimidating. From what I remember, you had your fair share of rips at me. I wasn't the popular kid, you were. That's the way it goes. Overall....I don't think we got along that well. At best, I would have called us "acquaintances".

But now I realized something....perhaps too late. I was wrong. Maybe I got laughed at, and maybe I wasn't the popular kid, but I shut other people out. Now it seems like a little too late to make amends.

Jaren, I mourn your death, but I dedicate this song to you because now you have given me joy. A part of the second verse says "I'm still reminded of the days when I turned my back on you and told you we should go our separate ways. Well, I was wrong for far too long." This is my admission that I was wrong in my ways. But now you have faded away from this earth....but I can take joy in this. Why? Two reasons. The first is that now you get to see what I can't right now: God face-to-face. The second is a little deeper than that, because through your death, you have done something that would never be done if you were alive. You made me remember you. But this isn't a one-time deal, because you'll stick with me in my mind no matter where I go. Whether I knew it or not, you had an impact on me. Obviously, you were much stronger than I was, and probably still are. I know I need to get back to weightlifting like I did in high school, and you've given me that boost. Whenever I'm in the weightroom now, I'll dedicate all my sessions to you, because you became my mentor in physical strength even in the just the past few hours. You're my brother Jaren, I'm sorry I turned my back on you. I won't make that mistake again. With a tear in my eye, I say "Rest in peace, my friend." I'll see ya when it's my turn to come up :)

Now, how about the people reading this? This song is obviously called "I Fade Away", and the message behind it is about fading away from God. Obviously, it's not a good thing. But apply this to all there someone that you are fading away from? Don't let it happen. Every person you come in contact with is a new relationship. I had something told to me that made me feel really amazing recently. Over the summer, I worked with a few of my dad's friends from the courthouse at a landscaping job. I worked only two different times, and quit because my "boss" was having many problems with his life which I won't go into detail point I wanted to make is that I only worked for the guy twice. The first time I worked, my dad's friend named Kevin was helping too. Kevin is a really great guy; he's probably in his late thirties, in top physical shape, and just a really pleasant guy to be around. I don't remember what all I talked about with him, but I don't remember any spiritual discussions, and I think he knew that I was a Christian. All I did was work and did what I was told to without complaining. Well, I guess Kevin was really amazed by this, and was talking to my dad to ask how I was doing. Apparently I had such an impact on Kevin, that he talked to his wife, and they're now going to send their son to a Christian school. This just blows my mind and makes me say "Wow.....I did that. I can really make an impact." This is why I say relationships are so important. I seriously only talked to the guy once, and now he's sending his son to a Christian school because of what he saw in me. My work isn't done....I have to be careful to not lose contact with Kevin. It's the same with everyone reading this note. Don't fade away from ANYTHING. If you claim God as your King, don't fade away. If you know a friend from high school or middle school that you haven't talked to in awhile, don't fade away. Keep striving hard, keep all your relationships...and most importantly, keep making the impacts that you don't even know you're making.

Thank you Jaren, for your final impact on me. I dedicate this to you, my friend.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Pillar devotional 1: Smiling Down

Title of song: Smiling Down
Link to song:
Lyrics to song:
Message title: "God is Watching"

All right...I've been meaning to write this for quite awhile now, but never got around to it. The song is from Pillar's latest album, "For The Love Of The Game", and it's one of my favorite songs by them. Today it really hit me hard...much harder than I would ever anticipate. Let me start with a small story of what happened today. I went to play volleyball at a local church as I do every Monday night, because I love volleyball and the people there are pretty cool. But tonight I was very frustrated. First of all I wasn't playing well, and neither was anyone else for that matter. Most of the time everyone was just goofing off on the court, when we should be playing. Yeah, I know it's just a game, but the whole reason I'm there is actually to play, not watch other people make morons of themselves. And everyone always brings like, their 20 kids each (the people I play with are adults from the church), so the whole time it's like a nursery and the kids were being unusually rambunctious tonight. Overall, not a good night, and I left extremely frustrated. 

So I got to my car and turned on my Pillar CD like I always do, and the first song that came on was Smiling Down. It relaxed me, and I really payed attention to the words this time. The chorus really struck me: "Next time that you feel like crying, next time you don't feel like trying, just remember I'll be right there smiling down on you." Slowly tears started to swell to my eyes as I realized what this meant. But I'm a MAN! MEN DON'T CRY!!! Yeah, right. Not when God has something to say. 

I realized that in my frustration, I was sinning. I was angry at all the people from volleyball....all the Christian people there. Now, I'm a Christian, I always have God on my mind and struggle to answer the question "What would Jesus do?" in all situations. In my realization of my sin, of course I felt guilty, but take a look at the lyrics again. "Just remember I'll be right there smiling down on you." Meditate on that for a little bit. I think that when we sin, we get scared a little bit, because then we get the picture that God is glaring at us and is ready to chastise us because we broke His law. Not so. God is SMILING! He loves us! That was the greatest comfort of all for me...knowing that God is smiling and saying "Hey, it's ok. Here, come into my arms. You're safe here." When I found a parking space at a Giant, I listened to the song again, but this time I really noticed my seat belt. Of course I always had it on, but it felt....different. It actually felt like Jesus was hugging me...and it felt great! "Hey Chris....I know you feel bad. I know you sinned. But here, let me hold you, I'll take care of you." Is there anything greater? Not a thing. So here's the bottom line: we all sin. We're imperfect humans, and we can do nothing to save ourselves. But when we sin, God the Father is not looking down with a leather whip in his hand and a cold glare on his face. Rather, He has Jesus in His right hand, and a smile on His face. "Come to me, I'll take care of you. You are forgiven." Nothing is greater. Praise be to God.

Expect more of these notes...I want do to one for each song on Pillar's latest album. Anticipate them being very powerful; hopefully as powerful as I think this one is.